I feel like titling this "Good Samaritan"...What do you think? It is made of cultured marble that I made all by meeself & it is on top of two separate no-weld armatures that I made...My first foray into making my own marble!
7/10/2012 07:19:42 pm

Hmmm… interesting take. I can’t say that I agree with you completely but your position is laid out well

7/11/2012 03:33:51 am

Our bengals won't approach a work of art that smells bad...or non-natural...It makes us much more sensitive about what materials we choose to work with...

Sari Grove
7/12/2012 10:24:38 am

Oh dear...Your hunch was right...I think the gold powder I used is bugging my head...Should have known better...Looks pretty but is often a headache inducer...Thanks for the warning intuition...I have relegated the sculpture for now to a different location...I'm going to let it cure better & hope the smell goes away...But you are right...At the moment it is not eco-friendly enough...Thanks...Sari

7/30/2012 07:21:01 pm

Our bengals won't approach a work of art that smells bad...or non-natural...It makes us much more sensitive about what materials we choose to work with...

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