1)Went home & did a preliminary sketch...see below...
Had a talk with Joseph about the Dragonfly sculpture just to make sure he was ok with it...Joseph pushed me to weave the wings myself out of rope instead of covering with the aluminum mesh I have been using...(This turned out to be very tiring...)
2)Next day, browsed Canadian Tire for supplies I needed...5 hours later, I have the bare bones of the sculpture...Next I have to figure out how to stabilize the legs...
Health Notes: Cut up raw garlic into some rich plain Greek yogurt...Eat with a spoon...Garlic lowers blood sugar in the pancreas...Garlic is an antibiotic...I learned this from Jeanne Claude & Christo...(from an interview about The Gates in New York project)...Eat raw garlic if you have lice or bedbugs or whatever you call them in your state...
Goji Berries contain Oxygen...Oxygen dries Hydrogen up from your liver...The common cold is essentially a wet liver- too much hydrogen...So eating Goji berries will dry up your liver, & your cold...It is like eating fresh air...
If you have the flu, it may not be the common cold...Flu symptoms may appear if you have eaten meat from an animal who is unwell...Animals have been unwell lately because genetically modified grains get clogged up in their system...GM grains are big looking but straw-like...Not enough sugar acids...They just look like food...But they clog up your bum & you can't pooh...Then your kidneys start to fail...Because gm grains look like food they sell for money...But they don't taste good & aren't good for you...The justification for gm grains is that people are starving & any food is better than none...So that is why gm foods are on the market...Kind of like strippers who go to law school...Some sort of rationalization there that it is ok to strip as long as you are paying for your schooling...Of course the fact that they are breaking the law seems to be a moot point...Anything to justify strippers...Sigh...Anyways...If you eat some meat & then get the flu a day later that is not a cold...You need to treat that with Magnesium...Magnesium cleans out your Gallbladder...Magnesium is found in magnesium pills, lavender, forsythia (which can be bought from herbalists)...Dolomite is a magnesium rock you can carry in your pocket if you like to carry rocks in your pocket...I do sometimes...Especially if I am going to a marina area where mercury levels are high...Magnesium cleans mercury out of your gallbladder...Magnesium fixes ADHD, ADD, autism, stuttering, jaundice, toenail fungus, jock itch, rashes, violent behaviour, dyslexia, anti-social behaviour...Baby Powder the talc kind is magnesium silicate...Silicate just means sand...Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate...Sulfate just means it dissolves in water...You can get oral epsom salts...You can put Baby Powder (the talc kind not the corn starch kind) in your shoes, your socks, your bra, your underwear...You can put Epsom Salts in your bathtub...Anyways, that is what fixes the swine flu or H1N1 as it is now called...(maybe also lay back on pork eating right now...if you top a pizza with pineapple, onions & tomatoes, it tastes like a real hawaiian pizza without the pork...Ok, the tomatoes are secondary to that flavour...But really, those three toppings are the ultimate pizza choice toppings...)