Ok, background...
I believe that people get colds when their liver is debilitated or run down...
Based on that hunch, the cure for the common cold would be milk thistle...You can get milk thistle from Shopper's Drug mart for 12 dollars on sale right now...
What it does is it cleans out your liver, & you wake up the next day well again...
I know because I have tested milk thistle on Joseph & myself...Joseph got his cold a few days after a drinking binge, so I was able to make the connection...
I caught his cold...I medicated both of us with milk thistle capsules, granted instead of two I took 5 & made him take 6, all at once...Just to get a quick reaction...
Lo & behold the next morning we were both fine...This is after two weeks of the cold drudging along...Yes, I know, I am a genius...
Thank me when you get better from your cold...& spread the word...The fewer colds people get the better the world will be...Don't you think?
Update (July 15, 2012): Hi...I'd like to add that milk thistle is in a similar category to dandelion greens & goji berries...Which means that both those thing will also fix your liver & thus your cold...Oxygen patches up your hydrogen soaked liver, which is what a common cold is...Hydrogen is found in water & alcohol, which calls into question the whole drink alot of fluids recommendations...
To add to the above: Dandelion greens are cheap to buy, but are so bitter, it can be hard to eat them-you can boil them too & drink the tea- still killer bitter...Goji berries are the most tasty way to get your Oxygen, but are pricey...Good snack though...Milk thistle comes in a pill supplement-take way more than the recommended dosage- they often are not that strong from sitting on a store shelf too long...
p.s. Holes in your body also cause liver problems...Needle holes, cuts...Treat that like a common cold...Hepatitis is like a common cold, but way more serious...Plain old fashioned fresh oxygenated air, is of course, a natural way to cure a cold...if you don't like medicating...Go climb a mountain where the air is freshest...Also- stop putting holes in your skin...That includes tattoos...Blood tests...Scratching open scabs...

This was quickie heating pad...
I took an old glove...I filled it with wild bird seed...I microwaved it for almost 2 minutes...Stuck it in the top of my bra...(I gather men cannot do this-so stick it somewhere else...) Instant heating pad! For the nests, see the next blog post, I was thinking of putting the heating pads between the nest & the linen over top...You'd need several of these, but whoever is using the nest might be happy...