Here is one closer to Toronto location...If you go along Danforth, follow it as it is now renamed KIngston road, then turn right on Brimley & go slowly in your car down the steep hill, you will come to two parking lots...The first is only free after Sept. 30...Actually both are only free after Sept. 30, but the first you are more likely to be ticketed...It costs $3.00 until then...The Trumpeter Swans often hang out at the sloop of the first parking lot...So park in the farther away lot & walk to the first...If it is after Sept. 30, park in the first...Drive slowly in case the Trumpeters are actually sitting in the lot...They do that too...Wild bird seed is good because it doesn't cause the food fights that throwing bread does...Bread is fine- organic, grainy is better, try to hand feed it on by one instead of throwing it & causing fights...Fights are actually more aggressive than you might imagine...Hand feeding is nice & they like it & you will like it too...You can put a pile of wild bird seed down too & the waterbirds won't fight...There are other cool waterbirds who hang out at Bluffers too...Rare Bufflehead ducks- all white with a black patch- like a penguin a bit- they are shy diving ducks...Good luck getting them some food...The geese are very friendly & I have patted some...Most often the bigger waterbirds won't eat unless the smaller ones get food first...So that is how that goes...The park is absolutely beautiful so plan to take a stroll...There is a gorgeous beach on the far far other end, to the east...