Portland cement 2 parts (Sutton Garden & Building Supply on Finch ave)
Aggregate 1 part
Aggregates consist of:
perlite (sutton)
3/4 inch glass fibres (Kreitmaker)
white silica sand (Sutton)
Aragonite sand (in place of crushed marble-both are calcium carbonate)(source: Petsmart, reptile section)
Each of the above aggregates are in 25% portion each, to total not more than half total of cement...
Mineral Silicate paint: for colour to be mixed in integrally/special cement paint in liquid form that has alkalinity resistant ph, No Vocs, less than 5% latex (source:
Eco-friendly concrete sealer both integral & surface: A request mix mixed at Eco-House new Brunswick then sent premixed- this contains 1 part Rainsil for anti-graffiti protection to 9 parts Primasil a breathable no voc seal...If mixed integrally in the cement , makes it waterproof all the way through...

The Cook: me, Sari Grove, with help from Joseph Grove & the only elves, sculptors, professors, cement workers, artists, art critics, um, I will try to write their names later, maybe...Concrete artists group on Yahoo., Latex Concrete habitats book, Sherri Warner Hunter's books & online info,'s Elizabeth...& so on...

p.s. all this goes on top of cut copper pipes, copper couplings, crazy glued together(you could use JB weld 2 part epoxy for copper too), wrapped in cut chicken wire...ask me how if you [email protected] Sari Grove
6/12/2012 09:08:14 pm

Nice recipe for the concrete,it may be helpful to many people related to construction business.Thanks for sharing.

6/12/2012 11:40:41 pm Here is a link or go to our YoutUbe Channel & watch the new video I made on "How to make cultured marble..." Our Youtube Channel is called GroveCanada if the link here doesn't go...
Thank you so much for your comment...Yes...I think the more we can help & talk to each other the safer our construction sites can be...Also, with people being so broke nowadays, learning new tricks may allow them to do things themselves...
Perlite makes it lighter, glass fibres make it much stronger, Aragonite sand/marble/calcium carbonate/even eggshells, make it stickier & less slump...These are important lessons...

You are welcome...Thanks for reading & visiting...It is all meaningless without visitors... Sari Grove

8/19/2012 04:17:01 pm

Thanks for the informative post related to the recipe of the concrete.The materials that are used in the construction should be in exact proportion and this blog discussed that only.Keep up the good work.

8/19/2012 10:11:56 pm

Thank you...I hear you...Notice: I have recently repaired the email [email protected] email address...If you sent an email there before today it did Not get to me...

8/24/2012 08:01:08 pm

Great information about the mixture of the concrete and the cement. I think people should like it . I like this information too and also i am waiting for some new updates.

10/2/2012 05:08:22 pm

Your blog has always attracted me and this particular post left me speechless. It is one of the best pieces of writing I have seen. Good job.

7/30/2012 07:34:56 pm

Thanks for the FANTASTIC post! This information is really good and thanks a lot for sharing it :) I m looking forward desperately for the next post of yours..

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